Legal Services of Northwest Jersey
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Legal Services of Northwest Jersey
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can we help you?
Is LSNWJ the same as LSNJ?
Is LSNWJ the government?
I need services in a language other than English.
I am deaf or hard of hearing.
I live in another State but my case is in court in NJ.
What if I need a criminal lawyer?
Am I eligible?
What are the financial eligibility standards?
Are there asset limits?
How does LSNWJ determine what kind of cases to take?
What if LSNWJ cannot take my case?
Can I call to help a friend, or can I have someone call for me?
What if I just have a legal question, can I call LSNWJ?
I have an emergency. Will I be able to get help before my court date?
What if I would like to attend a community legal education event?
What if I would like to host a community legal education event for my staff or for the public?
Can I pick my own lawyer?
What if I am dissatisfied with my service?
What should I do if I have been denied legal assistance?
What should I do if I feel my case has not been handled properly?
© Legal Services of Northwest Jersey, 2021