Legal Services of Northwest Jersey
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Legal Services of Northwest Jersey
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Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of a nonprofit organization like ours provides oversight to assure good governance.
As the highest leadership body of the organization, the Board is responsible for
1Determining Mission and Purpose
2Strategic and Organizational Planning
3Fundraising and Resource Development
4Monitoring Programs and Services.
5Selecting and Evaluating the performance of the CEO
6Ensuring Strong Fiduciary Oversight and Financial Management
LSNWJ is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees.
The Board partners a member with each of the substantive teams of staff within the organization for guidance, support, and as a communication interface with the Board.
Meetings are open to the public and are currently held virtually until further notice.
Meetings are scheduled six times a year, alternating months, on a scheduled Thursday. All meetings, other than the holiday gathering, will begin at 4:00 p.m.
Please contact LSNWJ for the upcoming meeting schedule, and to get a link for attendance at a particular meeting.
Who We Are
Board Members are:
People with Limited Income
Nominated by Community Groups
Appointed by the Local Bar Associations
How to Serve
If your community organization in one of our counties has a patron in mind to refer as a potential board member, find out more by contacting LSNWJ's Outreach Coordinator.
(908) 231-0840 at the extension 5220
© Legal Services of Northwest Jersey, 2021